The true company heritage
Thursday, June 20th, 2019 will remain in the lives of 25 Arneg employees an unforgettable day.
Commitment, loyalty and above all passion for the work done in Arneg for 20 years, have been recognized by the company with a special award: a gold medal, a symbol of the goal achieved within the company.
Of the 25 winners, more than half of the workers are women!
The medal was presented to each worker by the President, Luigi Finco, together with the founder of the Arneg Group, Roberto Marzaro, the General Manager of Arneg Italia, Filippo Marzaro and the Corporate Affairs Officer, Daniele Marzaro.
These are the words of the President to the workers who won the prize:
"This is not just an annual meeting, but a real ceremony [...].
A ceremony to pay homage and honor to your work, to your loyalty to the company and to the strength you give, that you have given over the years and that I am sure you will give for many more years [...].
The most important heritage is your and ours head [...] the intelligence is the real value, this is our strength.
So, we together are the real heritage! [...]. ”
The official photo, an hearty handshake and the final toast sealed this moment that will certainly lasts, not only in the memory of the workers, but also in the history of the Group.
Congratulations to all the employees!